Ignite Group Program

The Business Growth Accelerator for Coaches who want a balanced Strategy to a Profitable business 

You’ve been working hard, building your coaching practice and are passionate about what you do, 

but you also..

  • Feel overwhelmed and exhausted at the thought of continuing to run your business the way you are right now. It doesn’t feel good anymore.
  • You’re winging it - Lost making things up as you go, and you have this deep desire to make this business work. 

Like, actually work - Finally. 

Not only do you want it to work, but you want it to be PROFITABLE. Am I right?!

IGNITE the Business Growth Accelerator Program is about to give you the balanced strategy to a profitable business that works with EASE. You’re about to grow your current business in a whole new way…. And, learn how to incorporate multiple revenue streams. 

I’m about to give you the EASY BUTTON on making this all happen. 

Want to hit that button? 


IGNITE The Business Growth Accelerator

is a group program for coaches, facilitators & consultants who want to make a bigger impact and scale by working with organizational and private clients, using a team learning tool. 


You’ve been dreaming of accelerating your business and, you’re done waiting around… You’re ready for the next level of your business to happen NOW.


I bet you have already invested in mindset or business coaching - IGNITE is not your typical program or mastermind.

hat makes IGNITE different is the dynamic blend of mindset coaching PLUS tools, strategy & accountability. This is a multidimensional program that is going to finally get you booking clients and creating a sustainable stream of income. You’re going to learn how to manifest your education inside into a real business that makes money.

Here you don’t learn theories. You get access to a the exact process and proven method that has allowed me to scale my business and since I’ve helped dozens of other coaches, facilitators and consultants scale in a sustainable way, including corporate organizational & private clients, my expertise. 


Here is what’s possible when you say "yes" to joining Ignite... 

Courtney, I am READY for these results, now!!

Imagine being a CEO that feels certain, confident and proud to share that you have a Coaching Business. 

Imagine feeling fully aligned within yourself and your business,  feeling energized by your work and having space left on your calendar for the things that truly matter to you. 

Inside IGNITE, you will learn to…

  • Be in complete alignment with who you are & what you’re here to do.
  • Find a way to make your business sustainable so you can stay doing what you fell in love with instead of burning out
  • Be FREE to thrive in your zone of genius - Aka do what you actually want to be doing
  • Protecting your time, values, energy & income when you use what you learn inside IGNITE

 As the founder of this program, it is my mission to coach you for a better tomorrow. I teach you how to recreate your  forever career so you can support yourself and your family for a lifetime. 

It gets to be this GOOD. You just got to claim it and say YES!


My Goal as your coach is to empower you so much that you don't need me anymore.

I give my clients ruthless transformational coaching on your mindset, so that all the ways you feel stuck, blocked or confused dissipate.

Let me ask you some questions:

  • You are ready to make the dream of a successful coaching business a reality?
  • Are you ready to get clients consistently and easily? 
  • Are you ready to call in the "hell YES" clients and feel good when somebody says "no" without needing to cling on? 
  • You are done with the stories that have been keeping you small, like not feeling "good enough" or not having "what it takes"?
  • Are you ready fully step into the mindset of a coach that is THRIVING in a coaching practice and makes a BIG impact on the world?
  • You are ready to pivot your business mindset from "I am ready to throw in the towel" to "I am SO HAPPY I went for it"?

    If you answered "YES" to the questions above, you are exactly the coach for IGNITE. You are FINALLY ready to invest in support, aren’t you?
Yes, I am ready.

Who is IGNITE for?

Coaches, consultants, and facilitators...

  • Who are ready to make a bigger impact with a multidimensional business of: private, organizational and corporate clients and scale their business. 
  • Who are already using a learning tool (DISC, Insights Discovery, Enneagram, Strength Finders, Human Design, etc.) or interested in starting. 
That is me!

Imagine walking away with tangible results and sustainable income.

What a relief it is to have recurring income, clients & not have to reinvent the wheel every time I create an offer - Mine WORK. And, yours about to also…. 


By the end of the 9-month program, you will: 

  • Learn how to create organizational/ corporate business consistently 
  • Have a proven formula that you can rinse & repeat to continue to scale your business 
  • Learn how to protect your energy by creating a structure to your business 
  • Have clarity on what is holding you back and learn how to move yourself through blocks over and over again. 
  • Experience freedom like you’ve never felt before in your business
  • Be able to design a schedule that serves your life with space, freedom & ease
  • Learn how to show up from a place of abundance
  • Feel confident and informed in what steps you need to take 
  • Know how to use my unique method to create programs and workshops corporate business clients desire to bring to their teams

What's Included?

Nine months of strategic mentoring + mindset coaching, with:

Starting September 18th, 2024:  

  • 2 x Group Coaching Call (60 minutes) monthly
  •  18 x 1:1 Sessions (60 minutes) 
  • Tools + Resources to support your business growth 
  • ADD-ON: Insights Discovery Accreditation (extra) + ~$ 3-4k 

Testimonials & Results 

Clients inside IGNITE have:

  • Increased their monthly revenue. 
  • Learned how to redefine their capacity for work and set strong boundaries.  
  • Embraced rest as productivity (Yes, this is something I teach you how to do!)
  • Called in aligned clients that commit to offers
  • Signed their first 5-figure monthly offer
  • AND SO MANY MORE WINS, see below..

Pay in Full


One-Time Payment


Payment Plan


14 Monthly Payments


What happens once you say "yes" to  working together …

1.Fill out an Application Form, HERE.

2. We will jump on a 90-minute call for you to experience coaching with me. We will discuss your goals, where "you are" and where you want "to go" with your business and discuss if IGNITE if a good fit for you.

3. Once YOU decide it’s a fit and say "YES", we do a little dance and I will send you the contract and intake form to be completed and signed with the a payment link. 

4. Once all the documents are signed, we will co-create our first 120-min Intensive Business Audit Session within two weeks.

5. Then we begin! If you signed up for early bird you have access to 4 x 1:1 private sessions AND all the pre-recorded materials IMMEDIATELY. 


Testimonials & Results  

Megan Bauer

 Leadership Executive Coach, Leadership Development Coach/ Consultant 

"The IGNITE program has truly given me the momentum I was looking for in my business.
Courtney helped me address and work through personal blockers/mindsets that were so important for helping me access my full potential and energy. She did this while giving me practical tools/approaches to secure larger contracts and clients that feel aligned both energetically but also financially. The approaches she taught around the proposal process have been huge for me as well as the work we do in our 1:1s.
I also love that she has us write our intentions/celebrations at the beginning and end of each week so I'm working in alignment and seeing progress.

It's also been incredibly helpful that she's available to ask questions in Slack in between calls—this has helped me hone-in on my approach and build confidence in it. This program has been hugely supportive to me and Courtney is the most incredible coach.

I can't speak enough to her ability to really listen to, dive into and release what is the most important for helping me move forward. I can't thank you enough for your knowledge and support, Courtney  ":heart:

Mel Gol

performance coach

"I had an incredibly valuable experience coaching with Courtney. She has a unique ability to ask thought-provoking questions and create a beautiful space for reflection and growth. I left the session with a newfound clarity and motivation. I'm genuinely impressed by the effectiveness of her coaching style. I highly recommend a session with Courtney for anyone seeking quick and meaningful results."


Owner of Calling Mountain Productions 

"Working with Courtney, I saw things differently, my personal and professional goals shifted and I truly realized a shift was needed. She made me realize I needed to celebrate myself and pinpoint why I was so afraid of making a shift. She essentially helped me find courage in making my next move in my business. I would recommend Courtney’s service to anyone looking for a shift, a new beginning, and ultimately to get to place of self love.” 


Entrepreneur and Creative Director, Siiri and Stone

"Working with Courtney has been the best investment I have ever made! Not only did she guide me to get clear on many aspects of my life, she helped me discover so many things about myself I didn't even know existed. Whether it is overcoming fear or celebrating every little win, she is, so lovingly, always in your corner. I am looking forward to working with her again in the future!”

Ed Frauenheim

Speaker, co-author of Reinventing Masculinity, co-founder of The Teal Team

"I've been lucky to have Courtney coach me in recent months. She's had a direct, positive impact on me and my business. I think it has to do with her remarkable, rare combination of deep care, close listening and smart strategies. Courtney has helped me remember my passions and gifts, trust in them, and then figure out how to express them--in sustainable, revenue-generating ways!"

IGNITE Group Program Month-by-Month Outline


How your Journey inside the IGNITE Group Program, The Business Growth Accelerator” will unfold...

Each month comes with two monthly calls - A learning workshop and a group coaching call.


Module 1 - Visioning


VISIONING - You will set expansive goals for your business and create a powerful Vision, establish your unique Core Values, get connected to your Authentic Leadership Style and get clear on your loudest Blocks and Inner Critics to  help you remain focused and clear on where you are heading and the success you want to create.

Module 2 - The Foundations


THE FOUNDATIONS - You will build your scalable Business Model and tool kit to set yourself up for success. In this month we will get clear on what learning tool you are using, getting to know your tool and how you can create high-ticket programs and workshops (products) for corporate clients, create a “product suite” with your tool and ensure it’s in alignment with your Vision and supports you to achieve your goals.  

Module 3 - Break the ice


BREAK THE ICE - You will learn how to find  and connect with aligned Corporate Clients and build prosperous business relationships  (who, where, how, what, when) and start to take Action towards connecting with your first 5-figure corporate client.


Module 4 - Locate Problems



LOCATE PROBLEMS - This month we ensure that you can set yourself up for a successful first meeting with a new client that sets the foundation to make a proposal that goes from sent to signed. You will learn how to master the initial consultation with a prospective client, setting the standard, precedent, and dig deep to find out “what are the problems you are solving” for the company and client. This month we ensure that you can set yourself up for a successful first meeting that sets the foundation to make a proposal that goes from sent to signed.

Module 5 - Analyze and propose


ANALYZE AND PROPOSE -You will learn how to put together, write and present professional proposals that position your programs to solve your prospective corporate clients biggest challenges for the long-term. We are going to cover creation, delivery, as well as how to position up-sell and go from proposal sent to signed, confirmed and paid. 

Module 6 - Zero Energy Loss Delivery Prep


ZERO ENERGY LOSS DELIVERY - You will learn how to master the art of workshop creation and delivery to create high Impact and meaningful results for clients and their teams. In month six, we set you up for success with proactive facilitation and/or group coaching prep. You will learn how to create workshop with clear learning objectives, seamless flow, a comprehensive facilitator guide, and  power-point presentation. You will also learn how to manage your mindset to nail the delivery with confidence. 

Module 7 - Zeld Skills



ZELD SKILLS - You will learn how to Becoming a world class facilitator and delivering exceptional services to your clients is essential to your long-term success.  You will learn how to close a workshop, run a group coaching session and tap into the power of celebration.  That’s why we are dedicating an additional month to your skills as a facilitator and trainer so you can sell your high-ticket products with confidence and secure long-term contracts and get more referrals (hello growth). 

Module 8 - Empower Momentum


EMPOWER MOMENTUM -You will learn how to accelerate your Business Growth by creating a sustainable pipeline that keeps companies wanting to work with you for years to come. This month we dive into strategies to keep the learning alive after the workshop so the company stays engaged  and hires you for more work for years to come.

Module 9 - The Next Level 



THE NEXT LEVEL - In the final month, we will celebrate your progress while also looking at opportunities for what’s next for you to ensure you are not only meeting your six figure business goals this year, but also are setting yourself up with your next level goal and tangible steps to work towards it. 

SIGN ME UP, at the early bird rate!

Meet your Mentor

 Hi! I’m Courtney Marchment, and I will be here to guide you through IGNITE. I am an experienced leadership & executive coach who has a background in HR. I am obsessed with the wonders of nature, connecting with humans, and helping entrepreneurs grow their business beyond their own limitations of mind, body & sometimes spirit. 

Not too long ago, while on my coaching journey, I got to the point where I didn’t think I had what it took. I didn’t understand what I was missing or what I was doing wrong. 

I felt unfocused, confused, and I wanted to do everything to make it work, but I was trying anything to get clients….

  • That’s when I got strategic. 
  • That’s when I took a pause and refocused. 
  • That’s when I learned my hardest lessons and I’m ready to share all of my secrets with you. 

By the end of IGNITE, you will no longer feel stuck, you will no longer feel confused. 

You will feel empowered & EXCITED to create this dream that you have had in your heart for so long.

The Business Growth Accelerator will make your business feel easy while driving REAL RESULTS. My program will allow you to feel empowered to take action in alignment with who you are. You have all the tools & coaching support to create the sustainable business you have always dreamt of. All you have to do is say YES.



If you are located in Canada, contact Courtney directly to discuss payment currency options for you.

Liz Hicks

Talent Manager at Mt. Bachelor

"Courtney is one of the most talented L&D professionals I have had the pleasure of working with. Her facilitation skills are top-notch, with an ability to pivot, dive deeper, and adjust to various learning styles as needed. She delivers information in a way that not only facilitates high-level learning, but also encourages fun, play, and connection.” 

Natalie Lehman

Business and Leadership Coach. MS, Organizational Leadership and Learning

"Courtney is an amazing coach! She's passionate, empathetic, and incredibly knowledgeable. Her guidance is both practical and profound, and she's helped me develop valuable tools and strategies that have completely changed my life. She helped me identify the mindsets that were holding me back, create a vision for my life and business, and inspired me every step of the way. Her unwavering belief in my potential helped me break through barriers and achieve remarkable growth and success. I can't recommend her highly enough!"

Emily Goff

Founder and GM Arizona Zipline Adventures

"Courtney is doing exactly what she was meant to do! She is an excellent coach. She pushed me to think about my business in ways that I had not done before and helped make me a better leader, business owner and person. I highly recommend working with her!” 

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